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Acro of the Week!

Please  to use the form at the bottom of this page (or click here) to send in acros to be posted here. Thank you. ~Erica







June 28, 99 Sneeze TNS They're nasal spasms. JBetts TwoBees
May 25, 99 Animals BBTBC Brontosaurus burgers, they're Bedrock's cuisine. Cheeka TwoBees
June 11, 99 Music RPMSI Robert Palmer's models "Simply irresistable" Samm-E Acro Batman, Jackdill
June 11, 99 GA BPUFZTS

Being Polish, unusual Frank Zappa treasured sausage.

fafa Nolij



Winnning acros :April, 1999

# votes No.





1 General Acrophobia GSEBAIW God said "Earth be" and it was. Nolij
3 2 General Acrophobia GIUSPPS Good illusionists usually subvert people's perception slightly JBetts
0 3 General Acrophobia IVKUMFC I value kids under my Ford Contour Anne
2 4 History KHDIPPA King ''Had Dream.'' Incredibly predjudice produces animosity! Rikfin


Winnning acros :April, 1999

# votes No.





1 McDonalds(tm) ECSPM Everyone collects stickers, playing Monopoly. TheLateKathy a.k.a KathyAU
4 2 Voices CTSPB Counted twenty-three.. Sybil's psychaitrist baffled. Samm-E
1 3 General Acrophobia TCZ Thunderbolt chucker,Zeus ACRO BATMAN
4 4 Commercials WEGTP Wrigley's exceptional Gum, twins promote TwoBees
4 5 Celebrities NRSRS "Nanu-Nanu" Remember "Shazzbot"? Robin's sitcom. Samm-e


Winnning acros from week 3 & 4 of March, 1999

# votes No.





7 1 Farm Animals PPARCAH Perhaps, perfect alarm, Rooster's "CockleDoodleDoo" awaken's household TwoBees
10 WTG 2 General Acrophobia ISNPPTF Internet sex: Nasty pervert pounding typewriter furiously. Homer Bush aka fafa
1 3 Crazy People GCBEA "Going crazy".. Bezerk ended Acrophobia??? TwoBees
4 4 MUSIC BCLGV Barry's ''Copacabana'', Lola, gorgeous vixen! *AL*TraceyC

Winnning acros from week 1 & 2 of March, 1999

# votes No.





0 1 Music MRPEOP Mick 'Rolling' person, elderly old pervert. AM Wood
9 2 DEATH PGTEL "Pearly Gates": The eternity's lobby Samm-E
7 3 General Acrophobia VHR Vasectomy: heir removal. Peppermint
4 4 Crayons NDL Normally disregard lines skip!
12 WTG 5 KINDNESS PRCS Provided roadside care: Samaritan CarltonBlues
1 6 Fish RCCHS Regularly canned.. "Charlie's" harvest... sandwiches. Molly
4 7 Parenthood BST Behaviour solution: Timeout Trystero

February's acros (2nd half)

# votes






3 1 Music PAPE Pianist Amadeus: Prodigy extraordinare Kimberk/Hammlette
3 2 Mysteries DMECTA Daring Murder "Express" Christie's totally amazing Yose
9 WTG 3 General Acrophobia GEECCM Golden Egg: exceptional chicken clucks money! acro BATMAN
6 4 Show Biz KCUDW Klinger's cute, usually "dresses" womanly TwoBees

February's acros (1st half)

# votes






1 1 Clans LSC Loonies squash Castaways. TwoBees
2 2 GA RDLRMC Rapunzels dangling locks, remarkable mane climbed TwoBees
9 WTG 3 Animals CBBSHB "Castrate Bob Barker!," shouted his beagle. Mything
6 4 Sports MFWAD Man: "Football!" Woman: "A divorce!!" ashley!
7 5 F/O BZHSG Broken zipper. Husband showing "goods". 4joyce
3 6 Death SVCPCA Suicide view, Catholics: Purgatory, can't 'ascend'. Bagz
5 7 History FFTMTTH Family Feud: The McCoys terrified the Hatfields! AcroBatman

Acros from week of January 16th, 1999

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
7 1 DOA PACCD Passed away. Couldn't call doctor. Grandma
2 2 History QAPHDA Queen's axed. Poor head dangle, askew. Weed Slave
11WTG 3 Face Off PSKPS Please, somebody kill Pauly Shore! AlexDonovan
5 4 History OWSAC "Okay, wampum saves ass?" ~~Custer Juali
8 5 GA FVC Fascinated: Victrola Canine Juali

Acros from week of January 4th, 1999

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
1 1 Animals CCGFG Canines circling, guarding farm, George's fafa
2 2 Wisdom SRASSH Surgeons regard Aeschylus' sign, saying "Hippocratic" Bagz
5 3 Llitterbugs ODAAUM Oscar's digs: Actually amasses unusual messes! Samm-E
4 4 Music TZPARGC The "Zarathustra" played. Apes revered giant column. fafa
6WTG 5 Remember when... ASGWCM A Spice Girl was cooking maiden AlexDonovan

Acros from week of December 28th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
2 1 General Acrophobia GWFZS Gonadic wounds found; zipper's suspect. Ashley!
4 2 Christmas movies BOPOTP Brown (of "Peanuts") offense? Tree's puny. Ashley!
1 3 Geography GLMAI Galapagos: Lively mix, animals intriguing! Ashley!
2 4 GA TWP Ticonderosa: wonderful pencil. Yose
5WTG 5 Mistletoe CNSSM Caught now.. Sweetie smooch me! Samm-E
0 6 Sports Sports Bumpkins with balls, collecting sickening dollars. Ashley!

Acros from week of December 20th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
3 1 Catch Phrases SBVTF Smoky Bear "Vanquish that fire"! fafa
2 2 General Acrophobia TCC Testicles: Copulation culprits. Team Smurf
2 3 Psychology ARMBOFN Always reading my "blots". Often find nothing! 4joyce
13WTG 4 Bad Spelling NDMBYS Nsaty dyselxia... mitsakes bucther yuor spleling. JBetts

Acros from week of December 13th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
9WTG 1 Rhyme Time PCCWE Praying's complete..... can we eat? cheeka
1 2 Science TALC Twas alchemy lead chemistry. Loki_
2 3 SCIENCE FSRSAVS Funny smudges, Rorschach's spots actually verify sanity? singshine
6 4 Tabloid Headlines NCSHGHP Naughty Clinton Seen Hugging Gingrich -- HOT Photos! lil'fish
4 5 Vacations WWFMTG "Wally World Famous!" muttered the Griswolds. 1NiceGuy

Acros from week of December 6th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
1 1 Science DEHCSWG Darwin's evolution has caused sensations: We're gorillas? Twobees
11WTG 2 Animals FPIS Five pointed invertebrate: Starfish. TomInWhoVill
3 3 GA PWPSLPF "Purple" was Prince's sad lilting precipitation forecast. Burl Ives
10 4 General Acrophobia FMTISA Frequently masterbating....though i see alright. Team Smurf
1 5 Islands DBG Devastated Boater, Gilligan Forgot *D'Oh"
1 6 History BMC BigHorn Massacre: Custer SuziWong

Acros from week of November 29th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
10 WTG 1 Heart CCPLC Confused, Cupid pierced lung... cripes! Juali
4 2 Sherlock Holmes PADD Pipe accentuates Detective's determination! Jucha
9 3 Show BIz RSRDSCG Radner: SNL's Roseannadanna's delightful! Sensational comedienne's gone. Samm-E

Acros from week of November 23rd, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
3 1 Newspapers BLPMTIP Birdcage lined... Parrot's mighty talkative, interesting pages! TwoBees
1 2 General Acro NNS Nostradamus...........Noteworthy Seer! TwoBees
4 3 General Acro DPTCJ Delighted Pilgrims, Thanksgiving, Celebrating joy! KingCrabby
8 WTG 4 Advertisements SBAMCPV Surprising boyfriend, a moose curiously peeks. Voyeur? Jezlbelle
2 5 General Acro TRLL "Twister(tm)": Recreational leg looping! Ashley!

Acros from week of November 15th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
4 1 General Acro PMANFU PMS: Mean And Nasty Female!!! UNDERSTAND??? Beatlebabe
7WTG! 2 Rhyme Time SLWBPC Smoking lots, wretched blots,  pulmonary clots JBetts
0 3 Show Biz SCC Sprint celebrity: Candace Bobby Bass
4 4 Chat Abbrev. WTLCW WTG! The losers congratulate winners. Jan-aroot
5 5 General Acro DCCRHS Despite Cruise's charmisma, "Rainman's" Hoffman's show. Jaffe
7WTG! 6 Etiquette OSBO Others served before oneself! Nolij

Acros from week of November 7th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
5 1 Food & Drinks PSSBJD Popeye savored Spinach.. Bluto's jaw damaged! cheeka
9 WTG! 2 Toilet paper GWTSABC "Gottcha" Whipple tried squeezing always. Best commercial!!! Twobees
0 3 pumpkins VIFDA Voided innards, Flames dance away Herman&Lily (Ascobus & Wangster)
1 4 skulls FCJBLF Feared crossbones? Just Blackbeard's loathsome flag! Stephen King
6 5 The Moon BRIAAG Buns revealed... it's an astounding gesture. B.C.
6 6 Magic ESSTID Entertainer said "Shazzam", then I disappeared! Shamith
1 7 Music CDOM Celine Dione overplayed mercilessly!l Jbetts
2 8 Geography CSR Carved Statesmen: Rushmore Jbetts

Acros from week of October 25th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
4 1 Cliches HTLT Here today, left tomorrow Fafa
4 2 Computers DZNMODF Double zeros? No? Melliniums obviously disrupted format Skip!
3 3 Hell PFS Pentagram, fearsome symbol Fafa
2 4 General Acro ASVPS After sexual victories: prefer smoking. Fafa
10 5 General Acro ALDHSLA Aladdin's lamp delivered happy surprises, lucrative antique! Suziwong
12 WTG! 6 Pointy Hats TCCCFH Teachers create classroom condemnation: fool's headgear. JBetts
7 Coffins BBBTIP Beautiful bed, but that isn't preferrable. TerryO

Acros from week of October 18th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
2 1 Herbs & Spices USETSWI Ulcer starting. Everything's too spicy when ingested. About2Choke
10 WTG! 2 MUSIC MDWPSBJ Moonwalking, dude went platinum singing "Billie Jean" Nolij
9 3 Science FOCAH Fermi, Oppenheimer collaborated...adios Hiroshima! Juali
3 4 Human Brain WSDY Wisdom: Scarecrow did yearn Hamlette
4 5 Astrology SMDCBSP "Signs may define Characteristics, best" says Psychics shasmith
8 6 General Acro MSASAPM Martin Sheen asked son, "Aren't prostitutes marvelous?" Nolij

Acros from week of October 11th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
7 WTG! 1 Hiding spots MLVCT Mafioso's loved venue: Car trunks fafa
5 2 MUSIC TPCHPS "Dave and Garfunkle"??? Crap!! It's Simon!! Bids
5 3 Parenthood HLPSC Someone's Lost Pacifier! Sucking Calamity! RedBird
3 4 History IHPCCC Irish have protestants, catholics constantly conflicting DrmQueen

Acros from week of October 4th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
1 1 Science WDBTS Wrights duplicated 'birds'.. theoretical supremcy Skip
2 2 GA TPCHPS Time passes, clocks' hands parade seconds Redbird
5 3 Liberty HMSMRFS Huddled masses seek motherland - real freedom sought TwoBees
1 4 Animals PCFTA Penguins can't find their armpits. Penhead
2 5 GA FTPMC Fraggles: they're perfect Muppet creations. Nolij
6 WTG! 6 Wisdom CCS Confuscious... Chinese Smarty! TerryO
2 7 Monsters CRSWSB Camera records Sasquatch walking slowly by Skip!

Acros from week of September 27h, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
9 WTG! 1 IntheFuture CHFPC "Chelsea? Hef's calling. Playboy centerfold?" Mr. A
5 2 Fishing MGGTPPD My girlfriend grasps the pole perfectly. Damn! bidz
2 3 History BMSAL Betsy Made Some American Logo! Sparky!
2 4 JUICE BESPPPE Bathrooms, expect some passengers! Prunes powerful, evidently! Tenchi
2 5 Geography DKCQBSM Dorothy's Kansas cousins quickly began searching...missing! TwoBees
  6 Green Things PJQ Petty Jealousy... Queer! TwoBees

Acros from week of September 20h, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
1 1 Year2000 NAW Nostradamus, Apocolypse waits! TwoBees
1 2 Flying MECHK Missing Earhart! Cruising high..... killed? fafa
16 WTG! 3 History DATWM Darwin's amazing theory.. we're Monkeys! Singshine
5 4 GA FFDCP Fred Flintstone's delight? Cocoa Pebbles! capecodder

Acros from week of September 13h, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
0 1 Toys GFACGTI G.I. Fred: A child's generic toy infantryman.. Jezlbelle
1 2 GA ARS Amazing Reversal: suoicodilaepxecitsilegarfilacrepus N1ghtshadow
0 3 GA CPGMV Cyclops Pigs Got Mono Vision Danno666
5 WTG! 4 GA KURATPM King unceremoniously removed Antoinette's top part, meanie! fafa
4 5 GA KCHSOB Kitchen cuboard. Hubbard shared her only bone. WhizDum

Acros from week of September 6th, 1998

# votes No. Catagory Letters Acro Author
4 1 Tabloid Headlines OIGBBO "Okay, I'm guilty", Bill babbled obnoxiously. Skip!
4 2 Supreheros WGB West's guise: Batman JBetts
6 WTG! 3 Music HWEMDBG 'Hotel' was Eagles monumental Disc! Broke ground! Skip!
3 4 CELEBRITIES CODA CODA: Carroll O'Conner... Dingbat's Archie!! Samm-E
2 5 GA HSS Heiroglyphics.... "Stone" Sentences TwoBees


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