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Pass Quizlet Results



How many people have you introduced to the game of acro?
(of 64 respondents)

16%   None
31%   1-3
27%   4-7
9%   8-12
2%   13-20
16%   More than 20!!!!

How computer literate is your spouse/partner/ball ----&---- chain/better half?
(of 42 respondents)

21% Not at all.
40% Has some knowledge.
0% We fight over who is going to play acro.
24% Doesn't play acro, but we still fight!
7% Don't have a partner.
7% Don't have a partner, anyone interested?

Would you like to see the Study Guide back on the Loonies Page?
(of 34 respondents)

9% Just the word list.
12% Just the list of winning acros.
24% Both Word list --&-- Winning acros.
6% I never used it, so don't care.
15% I don't want it back on the site.
35% Study Guide? What Study Guide?

How many Clan games per week are you comfortable playing?
(of 49 respondents)

20% One
39% Two
10% Three
6% Four
12% Five or More
12% Would play every day if I could.

How do you feel about an Adult Clash Of Clans Tournament?
(of 46 respondents)

28% Fully support, and would participate.
37% Fully support, but wouldn't participate.
30% No opinion.
0% Totally against, but would participate.
4% Totally against and wouldn't participate


Which method of Clan Match scoring do you prefer?
(of 34 respondents)

21% Face Off Scoring
65% Cumulative Top 5 Scoring
12% I don't care either way
3% There are different methods of scoring?


What do you think of Seasonal nicknames?
(of 90 respondents)

20% I think they're ok, but I don't have one
28% I like them... in fact, I even have one
6% They rule! I have 1 for all big holidays
13% The best! I've got tons for all of them
17% I don't like them, but I have one anyway
17% I hate them! I'd never lower myself


Which of the following references does your holiday nickname have, if any?
(of 105 respondents)

9%  Santa Claus
17%  A Christmas carol
2%  Reindeer/Rudolph
26%  None of the above, but still Christmas
16%  A different holiday
30%  I don't have a holiday nick, I'm boring



How many nicknames do you have?
(of 130 respondents)

6%    Just one. Using more is stupid.
5%   One, plus clan name.
37%   Oh, I've got a couple, maybe even a few!
20%   Well... I do have a seasonal name...
19%   A whole lot!
13%   Millions. I am either Nolij or anne.



Which type of game do you like best?
(of 105 respondents)

45% Regular (i.e. Asylum Rules).
14% Couch/Dome Rules.
15% Clan matches, regular rules.
2% Clan matches, couch rules.
22% Who cares? I just LOVE Acro!
2% None of the above, I hate Acro!



What do you do while Acro is playing ads?
(of 155 respondents)

10%  - Keep typing like a dumbass.
2% - Watch the ads studiously.
23% - E-mail/ICQ.
9%  - Think of witty things to say.
5%  - Surf the 'net.
52%  - Something productive (i.e. peeing).



Do you usually need to wait to get into Asylum?
(52 respondents)

13% - No
56% - Yes: 15 min or less
25% - Yes: 15 min and more
6% - Just play somewhere else



How long have you been acroing?
(85 respondents)

5% - Less than 1 month
12% - 1 ~ 3 months
14% - 3 ~ 6 months
54% - 6 months ~ 1 year
15% - more than 1 year



Should we get a new banner for the team?
(80 respondents)

40% - Yes
60% - No


Is this quizlet annoying? Should we get rid of it?
(40 respondents)

80% - Yes (Sorry :P No Way!!!)
20% - No

More to come....