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A Quick Number Quiz

Try this and see how many you get on the first pass. This test does not measure intelligence, your fluency with words, creativity or mathematical ability. It will, however give you some gauge of your mental flexibility.

In the three years since the test was developed, few people have been found who could solve more than half of the 26 questions on the first try.

Many,however, reported getting answers long after the testing had been set aside, particularly at unexpected moments when their minds were relaxed.

Some reported solving all the questions over a period of several days.

Take the test as your personal challenge. 16 correct answers out of the 27 in your first try means that you are some kind of GENIUS.


Each equation below contains the initials of words that will make it correct. Furnish the missing words.

For example: 60 = M in an H, that would be 60 = Minutes in an Hour.

Reminder: If you know the answer, please don't tell it to someone. Just leave the answer in your mind, let them explore the answers by themselves. Enjoy.

1. 26 = L of the A
2. 7 = W of the W
3. 1001 = AN
4. 12 = S of the Z
5. 54 = C in a D (with the J)
6. 9 = P in the SS
7. 88 = PK
8. 13 = S on the AF
9. 18 = H on a GC
10. 32 = D F at which W F
11. 8 = S on a SS
12. 200 = D for P G in M
13. 3 = B M (S H T R)
14. 90 = D in a R A
15. 4 = Q in a G
16. 24 = H in a D
17. 1 = W on a U
18. 5 = D in a Z C
19. 57 = H V
20. 11 = P on a F T
21. 1000 = W that a P is W
22. 29 = D in F in a L Y
23. 64 = S on a C
24. 40 = D and N of the G F
25. 80 = D to G A the W
26. 2 = # it T to T
27. 101 = D
28. 76 = T in the BP
29. 50 = W to LYL
30. 15 = M on a DMC

Contributor (1~27): CarltonBlues
Contributor (28~30): Keats`