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The A(a=alopecia) B(b=bald) C(c=cuffs!) rules we play by:

1. Be nice

2. Have fun

3. A sense of humor IS required...sanity is NOT!

4. Prefer to play in the nude! (LOL!)

5. No a/s/l

6. Don't cheat, play/vote fair.

7. No.acros.like.this

8. No_acros_like_this

9. Noacros likethis

10. Try to stay on topic


12. No clinton or Viagra acros

13. No announcing what you voted

14. No hinting which acro is yours.(eg. Oops...I misspelled)

15. Must know CPR (in order to revive fafa!)

16. We prefer a topic over GA when possible.

More to come!