Acro name: anne
Other nicks: What other nicks?
Real name: Kathryn
Further identification records (ICQ, AOL IM nick, e-mail addy):
As you know, there is an Asylum rule against a/s/l checks, so...
If I had to play in one of the age-themed rooms, it would be:  40-somethings
Assuming I am straight (not that there's anything wrong with being homosexual), one member of the opposite sex I would be attracted to is:  Not telling. But on Wednesdays I love Z best!
My favorite place that I live in is:  Limbo. It's where I spend most of my time these days.
We resume...
When I don't get my meds, one celebrity that I think I am is:  I hate celebrities.
My favorite acro topic(s) is/are: Things I hate, Annoying Things.
My least favorite acro topic(s) is/are: Celebs and Show Biz.....they also are "Things I hate" and "Annoying Things."
I became a Loonie because:  No other room would tolerate me.
One notable experience I have had in/because of acro is: I was fortunate enough to become a stalking victim.
I tend to play acro at:  Any moment of any day that somebody doesn't make me do something else.
Other online places I play:  Not telling. I might be followed.
Other things that rock my world are: My world is askew; I need someone to "unrock" it.
Favorite food: Hot.
Favorite book: "How to become a better man."
Favorite movie: "Saturday Night Sardonica"
My solution for the Y2K problem:  Ignore it, and it will go away.
LEAST favorite type of acro:  I can't decide between, acros-like-this, acroslikethis, and ACROS LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!
Pet peeve: My dog.
The best thing I prepare to eat is:  Whatever is set before me when I'm
My acro playing style is:  inconsistent at best.
Something else I just felt like sharing: I never feel like sharing. (I just did though, didn't I?)