Acro name: | Skip! |
Other nicks: | Skipbrakes, Luiz Control, Don Keyotee |
Real name: | David |
Further identification records (ICQ, AOL IM nick, e-mail addy): | To access this answer, please show proof of genetic origin and have a credit card handy. |
As you know, there is an Asylum rule against a/s/l checks, so... | |
If I had to play in one of the age-themed rooms, it would be: | 40's is a secondhome to me because my first home burned down. (Regardless of the inspectors report, it WAS an accident) |
Assuming I am straight (not that there's anything wrong with being homosexual), one member of the opposite sex I would be attracted to is: | My mother occupied that place for a long while, until the therapist explained it all to me. Since then I have been torn between June Cleaver ( "Ward, you have been a little hard on the beaver lately") and Amelia Earhart ( Directions are for wimps! ) |
My favorite place that I live in is: | ( This looks like a trick question alawyer thought up) I like the sunny spot under a west facing window when the kids are at school and the mailman is due. I currently live on the Third Coast in Texas. |
We resume... | |
When I don't get my meds, one celebrity that I think I am is: | A Rodney King/ Dangerfield mix ~~ How am I gonna get any respect, if we all just can't get along? |
My favorite acro topic(s) is/are: | History, History and my third choice is history. It's so fun seeing history being re-written right before your very eyes. |
My least favorite acro topic(s) is/are: | It's real fun to struggle through G.A.with a room full of action figure mentality sort of underachievers. One day Iwill be confronted with the ultimate acro "Clinton.takes viagra-while Lewinskyunzips.his.pants" and know I am in Nirvana room, and have died. |
I became a Loonie because: | It was a condition of my release. That and the self help groups and large discounts available at the pharmacy. |
One notable experience I have had in/because of acro is: | Learned a new language and can speak and write it fluently. It does come outat the oddest moments though: Chicken okay for dinner honey?" Got my vote.* "Where are you going at this hour?" BRB * "Wheres the remote?" LTNS *"Honey we are not communicating anymore" LOL * "I want a divorce!" RFLOL *"You never listen to me!"/ignore |
I tend to play acro at: | Trying to hold it down to evenings now as it hasovertaken my life. Clan games and other structured playing times are myfavorite as they offer good competition and a full house of motivated players.Nothing like waiting fifteen minutes to get in a room of ten year oldspracticing PP SS TT RR UU |
Other online places I play: | I am the proud owner of a 3000.00 dollar Acro terminal. There are no other places. |
Other things that rock my world are: | Having a stranger put his hand in mypants and ask me to turn my head and cough. ( wait is that too muchinformation?) Habitat for Humanity is a big one for me. First in line forconcert tickets is always good. Good night kiss from my children. Finalpayment of a loan is great, and of course who could live without being selected a finalist in Publishers clearinghouse. |
Favorite food: | Easier to list what I don't like. Living in Texas, I am blessedwith many cuisine's. Mexico offers the whole enchilada, from mild to wild.Cajun heartland is just over the hill and down the road. I'm a bar-b-queingfool and have some trophy's to attest to it, and in living near the coast, Ihave found near-heaven in some special little shrimp and such dishes. Rollthese all together and you got an overweight cowboy with his eye on dessert. |
Favorite book: | Atlas Shrugged~ Ayn Rand, The Source~ James Michener, TheWhole Earth Catalog |
Favorite movie: | Drama~ To Kill a Mockingbird Satirical Humor~ DoctorStrangeloveHumor~ Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein both funny. Editorial ~Midnight Cowboy Foreign~ The Bicycle Thief |
My solution for the Y2K problem: | If you take a little X2C, and just kick back,the problem seems to fade to the point of inconsequence. |
LEAST favorite type of acro: | Anytime a well thought out and correctly spelled acro of mine gets beat out by one that alludes to farting or has more period bridges then my sons connect the dots picture, I immediately begin to develop a distaste for it. |
Pet peeve: | Intending on a very low-key and relaxed evening and telling thewaiter not to rush your order, and then having what seems to be every personin the building conspire to feed you quicker then McDonalds. I do not like myentree served as I am half way through my salad and just beginning to inspectthe bread. Conversely, when you explain to the head waiter that you have tickets to THE SHOW in 40 minutes and a quick dinner would be nice.The waitstaff all seem suddenly to be extra's from Night of the Living Dead, and asthey shuffle past, the clock on the wall spins out of control. |
The best thing I prepare to eat is: | Camarones Brochette is my personalfavorite. Huge shrimp (cleaned) opened to receive a slice of onion and a chunk of jalapeno with a dab of cheese. Then wrapped in smokehouse bacon and introduced to a mesquite grill. Liberal application of butter during the brief grilling and SON! Dat Be Dah Good Stuff! |
My acro playing style is: | Two distinct styles~~~~ The standard "We Be Jammin"style of having fun and whatever goes..... to the "I want to eat your entrails" form of competition... If you know me, you can tell which one I amcurrently playing |
Something else I just felt like sharing: | In the last year I have played, Ihave rediscovered a lot of things. Friends.... I have been to wrapped up inmaking a living and not enjoying life. Thinking.... This game and format bringout some of the dormant creative juices and that's dangerous. Vocabulary....... I have managed for the last few years to get by on thestandard 14 word set that most of America does business with. The game changed this. Typing.... I did take a semester in 9th grade. Need I say more? Found all you crazy folks and am still wandering if there isa cure! |