Mr. A. | |
Other nicks: | None. If I used a new one, I would forget which score was mine. Plus, my real-life friends would think I was having some sort of identity crisis. |
Real name: | There are very few people that don't call me Mr. A, but my driver's license says "Rik" on it. I'd probably even answer to that, I'm guessing... |
Further identification records (ICQ, AOL IM nick, e-mail addy): | ICQ# 4089000, |
As you know, there is an Asylum rule against a/s/l checks, so... | (For the record, my a/s is wide, and getting wider as I sit here.) |
If I had to play in one of the age-themed rooms, it would be: | 30-somethings. The 20-somethings are too incoherent for me. And, I'll be 30 soon enough, anyway... -sigh- |
Assuming I am straight (not that there's anything wrong with being homosexual), one member of the opposite sex I would be attracted to is: | My tastes in women are pretty off-beat: Grace Jones, Juliette Lewis, Laura Leighton... Um... Mrs. A. isn't gonna see this, is she? |
My favorite place that I live in is: | Milwaukee. Beer, brats, cheese, cream puffs... We are a fat, fat city. |
We resume... | |
When I don't get my meds, one celebrity that I think I am is: | Actually, I just tend to think that I'm a celebrity in the Asylum. Returning to the real world and my sad little life is SUCH a let-down. |
My favorite acro topic(s) is/are: | Food + Drink, Animals |
My least favorite acro topic(s) is/are: | Politics, Current Events... just not the same since the "No Clinton" rule... |
I became a Loonie because: | It was the one group whose membership qualifications I could meet. |
One notable experience I have had in/because of acro is: | A real-life meeting of Loonies from across the United States. It was a party I helped organize in August, 1998, in St. Louis. Pictures are on this website somewhere... |
I tend to play acro at: | Full speed. Of course, that speed varies from day to day... Look for me mid-morning. |
Other online places I play: | I don't understand the question. There are other places? |
Other things that rock my world are: | Mrs. A., first and foremost. Intelligent conversation, imaginative writing, good food, inspired music. Oh, and things that explode. |
Favorite food: | Not even gonna try to pick just one. You've seen my picture... do I LOOK like I'm a picky eater? |
Favorite book: | "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert Pirsig. |
Favorite movie: | "L.A. Story" |
My solution for the Y2K problem: | Get rid of all the computers before the year 2000. Duh... |
LEAST favorite type of acro: | Anything which demonstrates the stupidity of the writer... |
Pet peeve: | Pretentious people. More specifically, stupid pretentious people. |
The best thing I prepare to eat is: | Probably a tie between focaccia sandwiches and a recipe of my own creation called "Chicken Stuff." |
My acro playing style is: | Style? Hit and miss... I hit keys, then hit enter. Then I find I have missed the category and miss votes. |
Something else I just felt like sharing: | I'm repressed. And feminine hygiene products
scare me. knowing this, please be kind to me in the chat box. Thanks for putting all this together for us, Nolij! |