Acro name: Lil`Mookie
Other nicks: Lil`punkin, MistleMook - whatever the seasonal-fated winds blow in, if I can put Mook in it, I'll use it
Real name: Chris
Further identification records (ICQ, AOL IM nick, e-mail addy): icq#15055369,
As you know, there is an Asylum rule against a/s/l checks, so...
If I had to play in one of the age-themed rooms, it would be:  the key word here is HAD to; if I HAD to it'd be the 40-somethings, though NOTHING compares to the asylum - it's awesome because of the people
Assuming I am straight (not that there's anything wrong with being homosexual), one member of the opposite sex I would be attracted to is:  not wanting to name any particular person, ALL of the asylum men are exceptional, but of course, my hubby comes first...(awwwwww) (do I get brownie points for that answer?)
My favorite place that I live in is:  my wonderful lil breezy South Florida hacienda
We resume...
When I don't get my meds, one celebrity that I think I am is:  Gidget - kinda spacey but can get my feet on solid ground sometimes!
My favorite acro topic(s) is/are: Food, medical related topics, geography, animals
My least favorite acro topic(s) is/are: HISTORY, Greek Mythology (pffft), anything that makes me have to remember back a long way back to my high school days....*sigh*
I became a Loonie because:  I was lost in the woods one day, came upon this house called the asylum (which I needed at that point), went in, the bears were all so hospitable, I just felt like I was "home".
One notable experience I have had in/because of acro is: hehe, one day, I was playing with the usual bunch of wonderful regs, one of whom was Lucky Ducky. I typed something to her and substituted "i" for the "u" in both of her names....laughed about that for a very long time....still brings a smile to my face when I think about it!
I tend to play acro at:  morning times if I'm off, afternoons if I'm off and everyone so often, I'll try to play at night - depends on my darn work schedule (it tends to get in the way)
Other online places I play:  :no where - I don't think I could become as 'at home' anywhere else, as I do in the looney bin *grin*
Other things that rock my world are: my family - my hubby's wonderful and my kids are awesome; and my job (don't fall off your puter chair - I really do like what I do)
Favorite food: nearly any dessert (the abundance of sugar is what makes me so sweet!)
Favorite book: any of John Grisham's books
Favorite movie: Brian's Song, City of Angel's - yeah, yeah - I know, they're no brainers, but I'm a sentimental slob
My solution for the Y2K problem:  don't have one - I'm not that computer literate yet.
LEAST favorite type of acro:  the EE II, EE II, OO thing drives me crazy
Pet peeve: rudeness: any sort, anywhere, anytime by anyone - no excuses for it
The best thing I prepare to eat is:  my world famous 15 pound lasagna - it's simply scrumptious! (It really doesn't weight that much) I make somereally tasty desserts too, of course
My acro playing style is:  fairly lame most of the time, every once in a while the synapses connect and I come up with a fairly good one
Something else I just felt like sharing: The people I have met over the last year are the most incredible, warm&fuzzy, witty, caring, friendly (demented) bunch of people I have ever met (on a faceless)basis! You all are truly a very special (needs) kind of people andmake every day that I see you (in therapy) a very special day! I love you all (especially after electro-shock time - you all just sparkle....)