Acro name: Molly
Other nicks: How many pages are we allowed to list them all???
Real name: Tracy  (have that nick too..LOL!!)
Further identification records (ICQ, AOL IM nick, e-mail addy): ICQ #12088506
As you know, there is an Asylum rule against a/s/l checks, so...
If I had to play in one of the age-themed rooms, it would be:  I like the 40's rooms.... assuming they don't card for age as I am 34  (look at that I just broke the Asylum rule... )
Assuming I am straight (not that there's anything wrong with being homosexual), one member of the opposite sex I would be attracted to is:  Yose.... I hear he's pretty darn handsome!!!  (guess that means I am female.... darn broke that rule again!!)
My favorite place that I live in is:  My favorite place that I live in is:  I live in NJ and must admit I do love it here.
We resume...
When I don't get my meds, one celebrity that I think I am is:  Cindy Crawford?????  Okay, you can stop laughing now... we can all dream, can't we?
My favorite acro topic(s) is/are: Food + Drink, Celebrities.... the ones that require little actual knowledge.
My least favorite acro topic(s) is/are: History, Zen, Science... the ones that require thought.
I became a Loonie because:  If the shoe fits??  Wandered in one day a year ago and in that time have met such wonderfully intelligent people.  There is no other room like the Asylum... a wonderful family!
One notable experience I have had in/because of acro is: My typing speed has improved!!!
I tend to play acro at:  Mostly evening hours.
Other online places I play:  There are other online places??
Other things that rock my world are: Yose has been known to rock it on occasion!  My family is my life!!
Favorite food: Any and all soups.
Favorite book: All of Judy Blume's books  (God, has it really been that many years since I have read a book for pleasure?)
Favorite movie: My taste in movies is as bad as my taste in music... I admit I love disco not gonna get me to admit what my favorite movies are!!!!
My solution for the Y2K problem:  Geez! I have trouble coming up with a solution for the daily "What's for dinner?" problem.....
LEAST favorite type of acro:  The ones I don't win with???
Pet peeve: A regular coming in costume, letting themselves be known as a regular and refusing to ever say who they really are.... 
The best thing I prepare to eat is:  Soups and baked goods
My acro playing style is:  My acro playing style is:  Simple and speedy.. with a little (okay alot) of sex thrown in!
Something else I just felt like sharing: Wanted to thank Samm-e, Erica and Nolij for all of their work with the Loonie team and site.  A thankless job that deserves many thanks.  Also want to thank all the wonderful people I have met in the Asylum.... I am very lucky to call you all friends!!!