Acro name: Kilt1, or Kilt, AL Kilt1 (Clan Name)
Other nicks: Jock McStud or Pigdog (These are for rare adult forays)
Real name: William Kyle McLennan (Call me Kyle!!)
Further identification records (ICQ, AOL IM nick, e-mail addy): ICQ#: 18320292, Email:
As you know, there is an Asylum rule against a/s/l checks, so...
If I had to play in one of the age-themed rooms, it would be:  30-Somethings (39)
Assuming I am straight (not that there's anything wrong with being homosexual), one member of the opposite sex I would be attracted to is:  Girls (lassies)
My favorite place that I live in is:  Edmonton Alberta, Canada - and it ain't a favorite.
We resume...
When I don't get my meds, one celebrity that I think I am is:  Adrian Paul - The Highlander!!
My favorite acro topic(s) is/are: Music, Show Biz Celebrities, Animals, Food + Drink, Romance, General Acrophobia
My least favorite acro topic(s) is/are: Science, Sports, Geography, Chat Abbr.
I became a Loonie because:  I am one from birth, you have to be to live on this planet!!
One notable experience I have had in/because of acro is: Feeling like I've found a new family/home.
I tend to play acro at:  Whenever I can, which is never enough.
Other online places I play:  You Dont Know Jack, What's the Big Idea, Picture This, Cosmo's Conundrum, MPlayer
Other things that rock my world are: Falling in Love, Great Friends, Funny People, Star Trek (in all forms),  Cats, Live Theatre, Classic Rock, Blues, Celtic Music, Great Italian & Chinese Food, Imported Chocolate, (especially Belgian), & being Scottish!!
Favorite food: Pizza, Steak, Chili, Caesar Salad, Chocolate
(Nolij Note: No haggis?)
Favorite book: Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes, the work of John Bradshaw
Favorite movie: Braveheart, The Shawshank Redemption, My Fair Lady, Shane, The Apartment
My solution for the Y2K problem:  Give it as a Christmas Nightmare to Bill Gates
LEAST favorite type of acro:  Geography/Science
Pet peeve: Liars, Egotistical or Abusive People
The best thing I prepare to eat is:  Omelettes or anything on the Bar-B-Q
My acro playing style is:  Free-wheeling , but the warkilt comes out for clan games
Something else I just felt like sharing: I will finally have a picture ready in January, when my beard has fully returned

Most Importantly!!!  Thank you all for making me feel so at home in Asylum and the Loonies Team, I cherish the Privilege and your Friendships